Arkansas Whistle-Blower Act

Employee Rights Under the Arkansas Whistle-Blower Act

The Arkansas Whistle-Blower Act prohibits a public employer from taking adverse action against a public employee who communicates in good faith to an appropriate authority the existence of waste of public funds, property, or manpower or a violation of law; participates, or gives information, in an investigation, hearing, court proceeding, legislative inquiry, or administrative review; or objects to carrying out a directive the public employee reasonably believes violates the law.

A whistle-blower is a person who witnesses or has evidence of waste or a violation of law while employed by a public employer and who communicates in good faith about the waste or violation to a supervisor, an agent of the public employer, or an appropriate authority (e.g., Office of Attorney General, Office of Auditor of State, Arkansas Ethics Commission, Legislative Joint Auditing Committee, Arkansas Legislative Audit, Prosecuting Attorney, etc.).

If a public employer takes adverse action against a public employee, that employee may bring civil suit against the public employer to recover actual damages and injunctive relief. There are time limitations and other requirements applicable to this right of action. A public employee reporting waste or violations may be eligible for a financial reward.

To anonymously report suspicions of illegal activity by government officials, call the FBI hotline at 501-221-9100 (Press Option 8) or 501-221-8200, or call the Arkansas State Police at 800-553-3820.

This notice summarizes certain portions of the Arkansas Whistle-Blower Act. For more information, consult Act 1523 of 1999, as amended, and Ark. Code Ann. §§ 21-1-601 to -610.
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